Monday, September 30, 2019

Day Off

Finally, one of my rare days off. This is one of those days where I catch up on sleep and catch up on hw. I also play a lot of 2k on my Xbox One. If anybody want that work my gamertag is Dreezy On Deck.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Time Management

You would think with all the extra time being provided to us I would never have to play catch up, or wait till the last minute to accomplish things... Wrong, my time management skills are second to none because it's last to all. I'm still learning how to manage school, work, and more work. I might have only one job but I do a lot of behind the scenes work for family/friends. But I'm in a a situation where failure is not an option. I will not fail any class. I am a first generation college student and I've been blessed with a second chance to right my wrongs and move forward in life, I will not screw up this second chance.

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Many of you don't really know me at all, but I am a hard worker. Occasionally though, I do silly things like accidentally deleting my first post as a blogger... I will remember my first post ever as a blogger but to you all it's probably gone with the wind already.

Guess I'm a Blogger now

Never thought the day would come where I would start blogging. From Twitter to Instagram, I have it all, But to start blogging is something different for me. I believe it's a bit different for most of us students. Although I never thought this day would come, my interests wander to where this will take us and to see all of my fellow classmates future post.