Tuesday, December 3, 2019


This past week I attended my Aunts memorial in California. My aunt had the biggest heart anyone could imagine but due to mistakes, her life was taken from this earth and given to God. We know that she is in a better place now, but it is hard to lose someone so close to you. and I haven't dealt with any deaths since i was in elementary school. Cherish life!


  1. Yes, cherish life indeed :-) It is hard to lose someone very close. Cherish the good memory you have and create new ones with those that are still here ^_^

  2. I am sorry for your loss Andre. Remember all those great moments you had with her.

  3. I lost a close family member this year as well, but I only lost her in physical from here spirit is forever with me.

  4. I'm sorry for your loss memories will always be in you heart rest in peace.

  5. Sorry to hear so. I've had a lot of friends and family go to often but they will never be forgotten. We know where their at is a much safer place.

  6. I'm sorry for your loss. keep your head up.

  7. The loss of a loved one is always hard. Sometimes our grief can prevent them from ascension and it helps if you pray they finish their journey safely.
