Monday, November 11, 2019

Last Day

Tomorrow marks my last day as a shift lead at Walgreens. It's a bitter sweet feeling because the workers there are like a second family for me. For me I think a great quality for any leader is having undying faith in those beneath you, because at the end of the day they are the ones who make an everlasting impression on the customers or whoever. With me have this faith in my employees I believe that I showed them how a real leader is suppose to be and now they won't take anything less. I'm glad I was able to make this impression on them because everyone needs that type of energy sometimes.


  1. Bitter sweet indeed! I feel the same at the end of each semester :-) Sounds like you built a good team and family at Walgreens. Their loss is your new employer's gain ^_^

  2. Congrats again! Do not worry you will make the family back!

  3. I'm sure at your new job you will be able to grow and your work family with cherish your personality even more. Congrats on the new career.

  4. I agree about being a great quality leader. Happy for you!

  5. Ill still be here big dig! Go chase that check!

  6. Congrats for your new job, and for Walgreens it was a good experiences for you to move up in a better job.

  7. New beginnings are always a good thing!
