Tuesday, December 3, 2019


This past week I attended my Aunts memorial in California. My aunt had the biggest heart anyone could imagine but due to mistakes, her life was taken from this earth and given to God. We know that she is in a better place now, but it is hard to lose someone so close to you. and I haven't dealt with any deaths since i was in elementary school. Cherish life!

Monday, November 11, 2019

Last Day

Tomorrow marks my last day as a shift lead at Walgreens. It's a bitter sweet feeling because the workers there are like a second family for me. For me I think a great quality for any leader is having undying faith in those beneath you, because at the end of the day they are the ones who make an everlasting impression on the customers or whoever. With me have this faith in my employees I believe that I showed them how a real leader is suppose to be and now they won't take anything less. I'm glad I was able to make this impression on them because everyone needs that type of energy sometimes.

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Basketball Season

Although I'm a baseball player, basketball is one of my favorite sports to watch, and my favorite team is the Los Angeles Lakers. No I'm not a Lebron fan, I've been a Laker fan all of my life! They have the second most titles, working on having the most within the next 2 years. The only and one team that I hate is the BOSTON CELTICS. I almost hate them more than I hate the Boston Red Sox. The Lakers are the best team in the NBA right now and there aren't any teams that can beat them in a playoff series due to their dominance in size.

Thursday, October 31, 2019

New Opportunity

Just recently I received an interview with Walmart as a support manager. I was really surprised when I got the interview but I was even more surprised when I got the job!! I've used the resume that Professor Wu revised for me and the their General Manager loved it!!! I'm really excited about this new opportunity.

Sunday, October 27, 2019

Cert Exam

Recently I was able to attempt and PASS my Word exam with an 864. I was kind of nervous for it but but I knew I could pass. I advise anyone who did not pass on their first attempt to take the practice exam. A simple review could only make it easier for you.

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

My Motivation

Honestly, there are many of things that keep me motivated to strive for greatness. I always played sports growing up but I knew it wasn't going to take me anywhere. So instead of sports I tried to stick to academics growing up because I knew that if I had any chance of moving my mom out of L.A. it was through getting an education and moving forward with my career. Seeing my aunt be so successful gives me hope that one day I can hopefully be as successful as her and support my family the way she supports us. Failure is not an option, and I will continue to live this way until my final goal has been reached!!

My Week

This past week for me has been very hectic. From being in and out of the hospital, to playing security at my job; since coming back to Las Vegas this has been the worst week I have had to deal with. Unfortunately my girlfriend is going through a miscarriage ( which is why I've been in the hospital all week), She was about 5 to 6 weeks pregnant when we got this unfortunate news. We are staying strong and positive because if we don't then I won't be able to stay focused on what I need to do and accomplish. Have to keep pushing forward. All gas, no brakes!!!

Thursday, October 10, 2019

GI Bill

Finally, my GI Bill finally became active!!! This changes everything! I'm not behind anymore in bills and I've actually caught up on a lot of things in the next couple of days. Next is finding a better paying job.

Saturday, October 5, 2019

Keeping Up

This week I was able to keep up with all my work! I found it a lot easier to try to get things done either right when I get off of work or in the morning the day after. I'm extremely happy to be back in school. It's been taking me some time to get back in my groove, but I'm steadily getting back to business. In the meantime I have been applying to different jobs that pays a little more than my current, so if any has any suggestions please let me know!

Monday, September 30, 2019

Day Off

Finally, one of my rare days off. This is one of those days where I catch up on sleep and catch up on hw. I also play a lot of 2k on my Xbox One. If anybody want that work my gamertag is Dreezy On Deck.

Monday, September 23, 2019

Time Management

You would think with all the extra time being provided to us I would never have to play catch up, or wait till the last minute to accomplish things... Wrong, my time management skills are second to none because it's last to all. I'm still learning how to manage school, work, and more work. I might have only one job but I do a lot of behind the scenes work for family/friends. But I'm in a a situation where failure is not an option. I will not fail any class. I am a first generation college student and I've been blessed with a second chance to right my wrongs and move forward in life, I will not screw up this second chance.

Thursday, September 12, 2019


Many of you don't really know me at all, but I am a hard worker. Occasionally though, I do silly things like accidentally deleting my first post as a blogger... I will remember my first post ever as a blogger but to you all it's probably gone with the wind already.

Guess I'm a Blogger now

Never thought the day would come where I would start blogging. From Twitter to Instagram, I have it all, But to start blogging is something different for me. I believe it's a bit different for most of us students. Although I never thought this day would come, my interests wander to where this will take us and to see all of my fellow classmates future post.